
List of Services

Life Healing combines Modalities to Transform the Stuck Places in Your Life so you can Live the Life you Love

I facilitate the healing of issues such as energetic blocks and structural imbalances that you may have around physical health. You may experience relief from back pain, shoulder pain, headaches as well as other diseases.

Each Life Healing session embraces a range of therapeutic techniques. 

I am guided to choose the most powerful combination of tools for your session.

Vita Navitas is one of the new spiritual tools I have added to Life Healing sessions to support you to Live the Life you Love.

This powerful tool can be used during remote sessions.

Just like the ancient energetic technology used by the Egyptians thousands of years ago, Vita Navitas uses similar principles as Reiki and Acupuncture to harmonize energy flow. But it is so much more powerful than that. Before the Egyptians, the Atlanteans used copper rods to perform acts that would be seen as miracles today, such as moving large heavy objects.

DNA Crystal Alter  is one of the new spiritual tools I have added to Life Healing sessions to support you to Live the Life you Love.
This beautiful tool can be used during distant healing.

True DNA activation is activating the quantum layers of your DNA, the electromagnetic and vibrational layers. By unlocking and activating these layers you permit your spiritual body to become fully present.

While simultaneously awakening the full potential of your dormant DNA. This will result in profound experiences of transcendence and awareness. Helping you tap into flow states and reach pivotal states of being.

Akashic Record Readings are a beautiful resource of information. It is a record of your soul’s journey that includes past present and all future possibilities. Imagine being able to access this resource for clarity and support.

Since one of the most important places the records are stored within your DNA, indeed the answers are already within you waiting to be accessed!

The Universal Sphere® increases your connection and awareness of the Unified Field and expands your frequency to be in a Field of Infinite Possibilities and immersed in Solution Energy, transforming your relationship with the energies of the universe.

It is a vibrational tool that supports you in connecting with higher consciousness and rapidly brings you into a place of feeling deeply calm and centered.

Chakra Balancing/Clearing heals and harmonizes the chakras

The chakras are energy centers. The seven major chakras (there are many minor chakras) look like spinning wheels of light, funnels, or whirlpools of energy. 

Healthy chakras are vital to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Reconnective Healing© is a form of healing that is believed to be here on the planet for the very first time. 

Reconnective Healing© reconnects you to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects you to the fullness of your being and of who you are. 

Meridian Clearing/Balancing facilitates the flow of energy along a meridian to be cleared and balanced. 

Chinese medicine holds the ancient view that the basis of good health is the harmonious balance of qi, or vital energy, in the body. There are 14 main meridians, and when the flow along one or several of the meridians is obstructed, the result may be disease or injury.

Distant Healing — Distance is not a barrier.

Each session is unique and offers the combination of healing modalities that you need at the time for optimal healing. You can experience an energy healing session via phone by distant healing.

Energy Healing can heal energetic imbalances such as disease, aches, pains, emotional trauma, and physical trauma. Energy healing is a broad term that refers to Life Healing work that is done to facilitate clearing, balancing, healing, and harmonizing all levels of your energy systems. You can experience energy healing through a session by distant healing.

Karma Clearing allows the release of karma that has been completed.

It also provides for the transmutation of karma that is ready for transmutation. Simply stated, karma is about cause and effect. For every action there is a reaction. Karma is neither good nor bad. 

Karma is a way of teaching you that you are personally responsible for your life. Ultimately, karma teaches you to live in harmony with all things, everywhere.

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