DNA Crystal Alter

DNA Crystal Alter

The DNA Crystal Alter is one of the new spiritual tools I have added to Life Healing sessions to support you to Live the Life you Love.
This beautiful tool can be used during remote sessions with distant healing.

True DNA activation is activating the quantum layers of your DNA, the electromagnetic and vibrational layers. By unlocking and activating these layers you permit your spiritual body to become fully present.

While simultaneously awakening the full potential of your dormant DNA. This will result in profound experiences of transcendence and awareness. Helping you tap into flow states and reach pivotal states of being.

Bringing to life the entirety of your being, from the physical to the spiritual realms. Disbanding limiting DNA that no longer serves you. Letting you unleash your highest potential.
Key Benefits of the DNA alter include:

• Awaken and heal your DNA.
• Reprogram the DNA with superior information.
• Unlock full freewill and bypass genetic restraints.
• Activate and amplify the dormant knowledge and intuitive gifts.
• Achieve greater clarity of mind, creativity, and awareness of self.
• Brings us into alignment with our full manifestation potential.
• Accelerate your personal pathway to achieving enlightenment.
• Repairing DNA for improved physical, emotional and mental health.
• Enhance your self-awareness, intuition, and connection to ancestral knowledge.
• Unleash the entirety of your being.

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